Wniosek - dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie minimalnych norm dotyczących kwalifikowania i statusu obywateli państw trzecich lub bezpaństwowców jako uchodźców lub beneficjentów ochrony międzynarodowej oraz zakresu udzielanej ochrony
Bibliographic note
European Commission document numberCOM(2009) 551
EU Council document number14863/09
Interinstitutional number2009/0164 (COD)

Scrutiny of the document by the European Union Affairs Committee
Date of transmission of the document by the EU Counci General Secretariat 26/10/2009
Date of receipt of the Government document by the Senate13/11/2009
Date of the EU Affairs Committee meeting25/11/2009
Decision of the EU Affairs Committee- supports the EU proposal
Summary of the EU Affairs Committee
conclusions (in Polish)
Opinion of the EU Affairs Comittee-
Scrutiny complete-

Specific contacts: Ms Chabowska-Wybieralska Monika

Stenographic record of the EU Affairs Committee